
After "Suzumiya Haruh," a new animation is presented in the spring, 2007. Lucky☆Star has become a new and hot topic for ACG fans.

The story is about lives of four high school girls.

Izumi, Konata is the main role. She is good at sports, and her abilities are very good. However, she love animations and games very much, so the ideas from Konata are strange. For example, she went to school late. The reason she presented to her teacher is she had met a girl with a wing-style bag, and then the girl took her to escape from a vendor. Oh, this is the story of Kanon.

If you love animations and games very much, Lucky☆Star will bring a lot of joy to you.

By the way, a guy who loves animations, comics, or games very much is an otaku, but not homer. In Taiwan,the word "homer" is an incorrect name. A true homer is a person who always stays in his room, and he does not work or study. An Otaku has his/her soul, and he/she will go to work for his/her favorite things. You! Compare the leading roles between "Welcome to N.H.K." and "Lucky☆Star," and the definition can be found.

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